Sunday, February 3, 2013

Die, Be Dead and Be Dug

         I have chest pains quite a bit.  Since I have to rely on socialized health care, I have been doing my civic duty and ignoring a potentially expensive issue.  I woke up this morning, so I assume this is a good course of action.
Any serious Christian would not be too worried about dying.  Take your vitamins, don't fly on planes (make sure you get a seat inside it!), and count your blessings before the taxmen come like a zombie hoard.  I hope that when I'm about to become corpsified, I have enough time for some last words.  I want to stare mortality in the eye and say, "Meh."  I just don't want to die in the bathroom.  There is no way to die with nobility with a mouthful of toothpaste.  Or if you're pooping.

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